Artist Collaborators
It is a little known thing that Drinklings Coffee and Mugs originally started as simply Drinklings Mugs. The vision was to create "religious mugs" that were far and away differentiated from the standard religious gift items in conventional bookshops. Thoughtful. Creative. Unique.
We couldn't have done this without the immense help and generosity of partners in this. Below is a list of those who have collaborated at an artistic level for us. We're glad to call them both collaborators and friends.
Winfield Bevins
Bevins is our "resident artist" (if we may use that term...technically, he does not live with us). He has been a part of Drinklings since its very beginning and, as a visual artist, has helped us by creating dozens of designs. Some of the most popular of them include John Wesley, C.S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, Flannery O'Connor, Dorothy Day, Jane Austin, G.K. Chesterton and many many more. Bevins is a church planter within the ACNA and a professor at Asbury Theological Seminary. Bevins is also an author and founder of Missional Formation Coaching. You can find him at
You can also purchase Winfield's Missional Formation Coaching mug HERE!
Megan Kenyon
Honestly, I don't remember how we connected with Megan but we were very excited to have her join the team. To date her mugs include Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and N.T. Wright. Her approach towards more 'realistic' drawings complements our usual caricature approach. You can find her at
Randy Hardman
Randy is the founder and owner of Drinklings Coffee and Mugs. He is the 'least artistic' of all collaborators but designs all text base mugs, works on vectors, lines, coloring, layout and prototypes of all designs our other collaborators submit. As a Tolkien and Lewis fan, he also helped start the Wilmore based Verum Fabula Fellowship, a small Lewis-Tolkien society. He was the co-founder of Ratio Christi: Student Apologetics Alliance before stepping away from the organization in 2012. He is an adjunct professor at Asbury University.