
Covid and Culture (No. 2): Evaluating How We Do Life

Covid and Culture (No. 2): Evaluating How We Do Life

This is a time where individually and collectively we should be productively asking certain questions: what is essential? what needs to be changed? what beliefs do we have the need to be dispensed with? where do we place our security and trust? what would make us better individually and collectively? how should we re-prioritize our commitments and concerns? 

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Covid and Culture (No. 1): Awareness over Anxiety

Covid and Culture (No. 1): Awareness over Anxiety

The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic has rocked our world. With over 17,000 global deaths and projections into the hundreds of thousands or even millions, the anxiety over what we should be looking for, how we should be handling this culturally and individually, and how we can help those who are being affected by this in a myriad of ways has become paramount. We simply are at an unprecedented time in this respect. Diseases are nothing new. Diseases that seem to stop the entire world have not historically come about very often.  And, yet, daily life trudges on for...

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Can Coffee Fight Off Coronavirus?

Can Coffee Fight Off Coronavirus?

We ask the question everybody wants to know: can coffee fight off the Coronavirus?

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G.K. Chesterton on "The Gossip of History"

G.K. Chesterton on "The Gossip of History"

The modern innovation which has substituted journalism for history, or for that tradition that is the gossip of history, has had at least one definite effect. It has ensured that everybody should only hear the end of every story. - G.K. Chesterton, St. Francis of Assisi  The end of the story: it's an attractional plot device in any film, play, or book intended to capture the audience's attention. Whether it's Lost or Fight Club or Titanic (of course, we know what happened to the ship so that's no surprise!), flash-forwards and the conversely applicable flashbacks from the initial opening are built to create suspense and a hook to...

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Faith in the Midst of a Bright Sadness

Faith in the Midst of a Bright Sadness

John of the Cross referred to this as a "bright sadness." Faith in the midst of darkness. Joy in the midst of a life characterized by loss and pain. 

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